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Pediatric Dentist in West Monroe, LA

Snaggle Dental Delivers Expert Pediatric Dentistry

Snaggle Dental provides expert pediatric dentistry for your child in West Monroe, LA. Our team of pediatric dentists specializes in oral healthcare for children, helping guarantee kids’ smiles are clean and healthy. We recognize many children are apprehensive about visiting the dentist. The sounds, metal tools, bright lights, and invasive nature of dental work can be overwhelming for many youngsters. But we go to great lengths to ensure everyone’s comfort when visiting our family-friendly office. Beginning an oral healthcare regimen at an early age helps establish a pattern of good habits that can continue well into adulthood. We even make things comfortable for parents by offering flexible payment plans for dental care. Cleanings and regular exams are vital. We do not want you to have to make difficult life choices when deciding upon dental care for your son or daughter. Ask about our payment plans when you come for a visit. Contact us today to learn more.

Benefits of Pediatric Dentistry in West Monroe, LA

Dental care is essential for individuals of all ages. An individual’s oral health can have far-reaching effects on his or her oral health. Therefore, it is wise to familiarize your son or daughter with a dentist’s chair at an early age. Snaggle Dental in West Monroe, LA has children’s dentists on staff to help get your kids excited about regular teeth cleanings. Among the benefits of pediatric dentistry are:


Familiarizing your child with the dentist’s office and creating a sense of comfort will prove invaluable to his or her long-term oral health. Our pediatric dentists will help your son or daughter begin a routine by teaching dental wellness habits such as brushing and flossing, having a professional cleaning at least twice a year, and developing good oral hygiene habits. Visits to a children’s dentist from an early age can also help reduce fears and anxiety about dental care.


Our pediatric dentists at Snaggle Dental in West Monroe, LA have undergone advanced training to cater to the needs of young people. In addition to training in the general field of dentistry, our professionals have spent additional time studying and understanding kids’ needs, development, and treatment options. As your child ages, his or her teeth will go through several stages. Baby teeth will appear and fall out before the growth of permanent teeth. Kids’ dentists have knowledge specific to each stage of your child’s oral development.


As part of our children’s dentists’ extensive training, they learn to interact with kids of all ages. This awareness helps establish trust that eases fears about going to the dentist or receiving treatment. Furthermore, our dental assistants and support staff are dedicated to making every visit to our office in West Monroe, LA as comfortable as possible. We accomplish this through compassionate care, a calming environment, and a gentle approach that makes each trip an enjoyable experience.


A report commissioned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that nearly one in every five children between the ages of two and 19 have untreated cavities. Snaggle Dental aims to reduce that figure with thorough dental care for each of our patients in West Monroe, LA. Regular cleanings can surely keep your child’s mouth clean and healthy, but they also allow us to monitor your son or daughter’s teeth to detect potential issues that may arise. As our pediatric dentists help prevent tooth and gum decay, they will also look for bite concerns and recommend orthodontic treatment when necessary. Early orthodontic care can help prevent future tooth loss and ease realignment.


Our team of experts wants to put your child on a path toward lifelong oral health, so we will impart wisdom during each visit. We can provide diet counseling and information about brushing and flossing to amplify the effects of regular cleanings by promoting proper dental hygiene at home.

Our Pediatric Dentistry Services

The pediatric dentists at Snaggle Dental in West Monroe, LA make visiting the dentist fun. We use state-of-the-art equipment designed for children’s mouths to minimize invasiveness while maintaining a high level of oral care. Our pediatric dentistry services include:

Contact Snaggle Dental to Schedule an Appointment Today

Whether your child needs to visit a dentist for the first time or is long overdue for a cleaning, Snaggle Dental in West Monroe, LA can help. Our pediatric dentists have extensive training with not only the field of dentistry but also the specific nature of kids’ mouths. Our friendly staff makes each visit enjoyable and has experience dealing with children of all ages. Regular visits to our office can help develop long-lasting oral health habits that will help maintain your child’s pearly whites for decades to come. Regardless of whether your child needs a simple cleaning or emergency dental care, contact us today or fill out our online form to request an appointment.